Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ENTRY 2: What should I do?

Ottoke? Ottoke? Ottoke?

I really don't know what to do now. My mind is not functioning well... now when I needed it the most.

I was a little bit shocked on what I saw this afternoon. I saw them together... the guy that I liked with that girl.

Mukhang nagkabalikan na ulit sila.

Well yeah! I am expecting that one of this day they will be together again, that they will make up for their broken relationship. Beside its not him who wants the break up, its her. But I never thought that it will happen right away.

Anyway, its not the matter for me, I don't care if they end up being girlfriends and boyfriends again. I am not that affected anymore, I don't know but there is no any hard feelings or bitterness in me when I saw them walking down the stair.

What's matter to me is how can I give the notebook? Can I still give it to him? or Should I say, is it still okay if I give it to him?

I don't want him to suffer from confusion just because of that journal. I don't want to bother him, especially now that he's starting over again with his girl. Do I still have a choice?

I want to hand it to him but at the same time I don't. What should I do?

Should I remain silent about my feelings?

Is my feelings for him are really meant to be a secret?

First, because of my carelessness my mom found out about my confession notebook and she warned me that I shouldn't be the one who's giving this kind of stuff to a guy.
Next, its because of what I've seen  this afternoon. Who knows what will happen next?

Come to think of this, I can say that its already fate that telling me not to spell out the feelings I have for that guy.

I only have few days left to decide, I hope I can choose the right one.

"its now or never..."


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